Monday, September 28, 2009

Lily of the Valley as wedding bouquet.

Not sure what to have for your wedding bouquet?
Why not try Lily of the Valley?
It's vastly available during spring time, or order it a head of time from Floral Shop. It's beautiful as bridal bouquet, as well as beautiful fragrance from it.

And the beauty about it is that not only it is popular as bridal bouquet, it can also be use as table center piece like what I have done here. My garden is full of Lily of the Valley, and every spring when they start blooming, that's when I have my fragrance center piece for my house every year. Therefore, it is also perfect as your table centerpiece for your wedding as well. So when you're getting marry, consider Lily of the Valley as your bridal bouquet or your wedding table centerpiece for your wedding reception.